Mo's Girls
This page has nothing to do with cats, although it has everything to do with Kat and her sister Keri. Kat and Keri are my nieces, my only nieces, and they both suffer from Cystic Fibrosis. Both women are now in their 30s, married with children. Each has their own daily struggles.
What is Cystic Fibrosis
Keri & Kat
Who is Mo?
Mo/Dad at the Hapuna Roughwater Swim. I colored his "Mohawk" for fun.
Mo with his trusty side kick, my mom, B'Gay. Dad won all the awards, Mom did all the work.
Dad at the Honoka'a Swimming Pool.
Mo is their grandfather, my father. When my nieces were diagnosed, not only were we all devastated, but neither our family, nor their father's family had any idea that both sides carried the CF gene.
Mom and Dad found ways to help support CF research which included Dad swimming the Waikiki Roughwater Swim and having people guess at his finish time (a total impossibility).
Donating to Cystic Fibrosis
Planetary Biosciences
This might seem like an odd site to donate to, but this was actually suggested by my niece Kat as her first choice for donations. Planetary Biosciences, (parent company is Sharktank - not related at all to the TV show by the same name) is a small company whose mission it is to "develop novel therapies and diagnostic tests for inflammatory lung diseases." They are doing just that with great success. Both of my nieces take Intrepta and TauriNAC and are doing much better with the supplements than before taking them.